Transparency (Cloudiness)

Colorless, transparent diamonds are valued more highly than white, milky, or cloudy diamonds. However, transparency is not specifically graded during certification.

To test for transparency, view the diamond from several directions, including the sides, to judge whether you can see through the diamond like you would through a clear glass of water.

Transparency is often confused with clarity. Clarity describes inclusions and surface blemishes; a white cloud is one type of inclusion that can impact clarity grade. However, some diamonds are white or cloudy throughout. These non-transparent diamonds will not have the same sparkle as transparent diamonds; at one time they were considered industrial grade, not worthy of cutting into gemstones.

Transparency is sometimes confused with color. When a dealer requests certification for a cloudy diamond, he can ask that clarity grade not be included. The resulting evaluation may determine the diamond is “fancy white” in color.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. If you want a white diamond, buy a non-transparent diamond. It may be the perfect piece in your diamond ring’s design. And it may help lower the overall diamond ring price.


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